Herndon-Reston FISH
Friendly Instant Sympathetic Help
If you live in Fairfax County and are in need of critical financial assistance because of the COVID-19 pandemic, CALL Fairfax County at 703-222-0880 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Herndon-Reston FISH is working with the County to help residents pay for rent, utilities, prescription medicine, and other expenses. When you call the County, social workers will collect your information, assess your situation, and send a referral to one of the County nonprofit partners, like FISH, to provide financial help.
As in the past, if you are in financial crisis for a non-COVID-19 related problem and live in the Herndon-Reston area, you can still call 703-222-0880 for assistance. The County will assess your need and may refer your case to FISH for financial assistance even if your situation does not qualify under the new County program.
FISH cannot help you without a referral, so to avoid delays, please call the number above rather than calling or emailing us.
If you live outside of Fairfax County call 211 for advice on health and human services available throughout Virginia.
To learn more about FISH services, click here.
Question about our Emergency Assistance Program? Contact our Emergency Assistance Manager at 571-267-2980 from 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Or to leave a message after hours, please call 571-267-2977.
Herndon-Reston FISH NO ofrece comida, PERO si ofrece Asistencia con Fondos de Emergencia para pagos de alquiler, servicios públicos y recetas médicas.
Si necesita ayuda inmediata Y vive en Herndon o Reston, LLAME al Condado de Fairfax al (703) 222-0880, de lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Trabajadores Sociales recopilaran su información y le pedirán a FISH que le ayuden.
Herndon-Reston FISH no puede ayudarle sin un referido, así que por favor llame al número arriba en vez de llamar o mandar correo electrónico directamente a FISH
Si vive afuera de Herndon o Reston, LLAME 211 para consultar sobre servicios de salud y servicios humanos a través de Virginia
Si tiene alguna pregunta acerca de nuestro Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia, contacte a nuestra gerente de asistencia al 571-267-2980 de 10 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. O para dejar un mensaje en horas alternas, por favor llame al 571.267.2977.
New Health Coverage for Adults — Enrollment began 2019
Starting in 2019, more adults living in Virginia have access to quality low-cost health coverage because of an expansion in the Medicaid program.
The rules have changed, and thousands of Virginians aged 19 to 64 are able to sign up for new health coverage. People who have annual income below 138 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, including childless adults, may be eligible. For example, that's $17,609 per year for a single adult or $29,974 for a family of three. To see if you might be eligible, click here.